Sunday, 21 January 2007

Start me up...

At present I am in Hong Kong. Although I have not sampled a huge variety of the world’s greatest cities, I’ve enjoyed the delights of many and I think I can safely say that few (if any) are as mad as HK. A gorgeous neon pearl by night, it is a whore by day – dirty, overcrowded and overwhelmingly focused on the generation of capital. And it just doesn’t care.

I might be wrong but…I’ve only seen fur in the windows of Dior here. And whilst I can be an apologist for couture (and only couture, the rest of the fashion industry is wank as far as I can see…) I will never tolerate fur. How some bitch can think that she looks better in the skin of another gorgeous animal is beyond belief. Honey, you just ain’t all that…

And I won’t go into details as to how the animals are killed because of the need to maintain the integrity of the pelt…

Personally, I think that it is perfectly acceptable to hiss, spit and in any way abuse men and women who wear fur – and I do. Society had done a reasonable job of making wearing fur pretty unacceptable and for some reason we seem to have backtracked on this. Personally, I blame rappers and bimbo film stars like JLO, Poof Diddy and their ilk. Let’s give them a taste of the treatment that their demand for fur metes out to the animals whose fur they wear…that should do the trick.

And why am I listening to the Rolling Stones? Jesus I must be jet lagged…


Sleepy said...

I must admit that my Nan had a fiur coat.
It was the law back then!

Sleepy said...

You found some Jimmy's yet?

Schneewittchen said...

yeeeehaaaaa, you go girl!!!! Can't you fit in a side trip to Vancouver? You won't even know you're not in HK :) (not because Van is a whore by day, but because we have so many HK Chinese here.

Sassygril said...

My Nana also had a fox fur collar. When she died, my mother and I went through her things (as you do)in order to pass them on or give to charity shops, I can still recall my mother yelping as if shot when she discovered the bastard thing. God it was old and shitty - a bit like I feel just now.

Haven't found the Jimmy Choo's yet, but it is only a matter of time...some rather nice Max Mara but even in the sale the prices make me laugh.

And I would love to fit in a side trip to Vancouver. It must surely be a lot less insane than this place. But funnily enuf, it feels saner this trip than it did last, which is worrying.