Sunday, 4 February 2007

29 into 12 don't go...

As Sleepy noted in her most excellent blog, much mirth was had by us about an American paedophile who managed to pass himself off to school authorities and other paedophiles as being 12 years old...when he was in fact 29. Few things make me laugh out loud on the TV - usually it's Cristiano Ronaldo claiming a dive, that's always good for a giggle - but this was a classic.


Sleepy said...

Little Winker has just stitched my boys!... Git..

Schneewittchen said...

Hmm..that would seem to be a solution to the problem. Make all paedos look like kids and they can then go around doing unpleasant stuff to each other.

Sassygril said...


And cristiano ronaldo is a C***