Sunday, 27 May 2007

Today I be mostly menopausal

I don’t know if you’ve ever had this experience where you wake up one morning and realise that one of life’s ‘big events’ is occurring to you, but that’s the main headline of my day.

I woke up this morning and realised that the menopause was a reality. Not a full on, hit by a truck type reality, but a major life change that is going to be with me for a while to come. I’m a couple of weeks shy of 46 and I started my periods when I was about 11 so I’ve had my fair share of all this monthly cycle shit for more than enuf time. I’m glad to see it starting to diminish and a very large part of me is actually excited about what the next tranche of life will bring. Having seen my older sister go through this, I know that it’s not all thrills and spills. I am aware of the delights that are hot flushes and I’ve had a small precursor of those this week. Most odd. The only thing that troubles me is the mad old lady syndrome. My sis had this rather badly at times and it used to manifest itself with regard to the cleanliness – or otherwise – of the kitchen work surfaces. Suffice to say, I think that if this obsession had continued much longer, her daughter would have made her wear one of them. My only concern is that I am so mad and eccentric – will I go even further over the top or will nobody notice the difference? Worrying.

But, overall, I’m in good shape. The best is yet to come.


Sleepy said...

Mate, if you go 'Batty' we'll film you and make a fortune on youtube for when you return to sanity.
The money will also come in handy to fix the brittle bones!

Sassygril said...

Absolutely! YOu want to make sure that some readies are available for the hip replacement and the purchase of pert young dudes to do the housework whilst I've got the leg in plaster!

Sleepy said...

I don't usually put 'pert' and 'dudes' together! But if I can buy porn for the Grandfather, anything is possible!

Sassygril said...

Yeah, the resident pharmacist knows all about those...snow boarders, that type of thing.

Sleepy said...


The Chemist does have an eye for a pert arse!

Sassygril said...

A pert arse is a thing of beauty and to be revered :-)